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PROEX is a flexible, user friendly, E&A portfolio and knowledge management package. It has been designed for exploration and portfolio managers allowing easy access to data, documents and imagery without requiring specialist GIS skills.


Opportunity summaries extracted from the tabulated datasets and images can be accessed either from the GIS map, the tabulated index, or through the integrated graphing functions. 


The document management system is designed so that document versions  can be easily integrated and monitored.  

The portfolio management capability links tabulated data, documents and imagery with an easy to use GIS front end. This is combined with an intuitive information management system for key documents, presentations and imagery as well as an analytical tools allowing numerical data to be graphed and easily filtered.

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The GIS map comes with automatically updated public domain data such as licence outlines, infrastructure, and geological maps. Client company GIS data may be securely loaded to the system. The package also has the capacity to hold third party databases. The package is cloud-based but can be run from a company server if required.

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"PROEX is an excellent tool to allow communication across a multi-functional E&A team without the need for specialist software knowledge, and is equally useful as a corporate E&A knowledge management package.  Previous evaluations can be stored as tabulated data, images (such as seismic, maps & CPIs), along with key presentations and reports; all linked to GIS polygons.  Prospect Manager is thus ideally suited to teams which may fluctuate in size or focus." 


Maurice Bamford, PhD

Exploration & Geoscience Manager

If you want to learn more about our platform please contact us.

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