Data Marketplace
Our webshop showcasing a range of commercial database products from our trusted vendors.
The Client Data Portal provides a separate version of the PDR with a re-branded Welcome screen to suite your company look and an empty database waiting to be populated with your data. Utilizing the existing data management and visualisation functionality of the PDR platform, a company portal provides an ideal tool for the delivery of your data products. Whether it is maps, well data, documents or reports, a Client Data Portal provides a smooth and cohesive user experience enabling your customer to maximize the value of your products.
The company portal offers:
A rebranded welcome screen to match your brand
A blank database capable of storing maps, datasets, documents, etc
Control over usership, the data they access and for how long
Delivering data to your clients in a customised, cloud-based software application offers a competitive advantage for your overall product. Your clients can seamlessly access the data they want, removing the non-productive steps of receiving, loading, and customising data, empowering them to implement your products in their studies and extract maximum value.
Open to Data
Our team continues to identify additional and valuable datasets to support subsurface evaluations. Should you wish to register as data vendor then contact our team for more details.

North Sea Prospect Inventory​
The NSPI is a GIS database constructed primarily from government released information. Georeferenced maps, digitised shapefiles, and associated attributes allow the user to quickly identify opportunities of interest and integrate these into proprietary systems.

Cambridge Carbonates​
Cambridge Carbonates Ltd have worked the Barents Shelf area since the mid 1990’s and have subsequently logged cores from more that 20 Palaeozoic wells. These reports form a key archive of detailed core descriptions, microfacies, depositional models and reservoir quality from which exploration decisions can be made.

Migris describe and reduce geological and economical exploration risk by simulating geological processes, using their leading petroleum systems modelling software. The software combines probabilistic Monte Carlo techniques with migration modelling to reduce geological uncertainties and assess the petroleum systems and charge risks in exploration acreage.

North Sea Core​
The core material available through North Sea Core CIC has been donated by energy companies through the relinquishment, abandonment and decommissioning of fields on the UK Continental Shelf. Core is available for a range of education, research and outreach purposes, as well as for supply to individuals and commercial organisations.
Visual Wavefield
At The Visual Wavefield Project we use cutting edge virtual and augmented reality techniques to produce seismic visualizations of stunning clarity. Our Stratiscape displays are the first significant improvement in seismic visualization in more than 40 years, dramatically increasing the amount of visible information in your seismic data.
Global GeoPressure Advice​
Combining basin studies, sedimentology, structural geology, drilling and geomechanics to provide an integrated, holistic service to determine the affects of geopressure as a tool for risking and safe well drilling. GGA have several Geopressure Products available in the UK Central Graben - including overpressure and compartment maps.

Wyedean Exploration
Wyedean Exploration Consultants have conducted two comprehensive geoscientific multi-client studies in the Mid-North Sea High (MNSH) and Rockall Trough areas of the UKCS, which are available on a proprietary basis. The two reports contain a wealth of subsurface interpretation including; regional geological reviews, well correlation/interpretations, petroleum systems modelling and new play identification.

Calderdale Geoscience
CGL is composed of geoscientists and engineers who specialise in a range of subsurface disciplines including seismic interpretation & geological analysis, core description and play mapping. CGL have a number of UKCS products available for purchase, including digital core log databases in the NNS, CNS and SNS, petrophysical interpretations and a suite of mapping and database products focused on the MNSH.